You Don't Need a Coach! How to Improve Your Gut Health on Your Own for Free
My top 4 most helpful videos to start improving gut health.
My top 4 most helpful videos to start improving gut health.
Hey team,
Quick disclaimer. Just want to be explicitly clear that I am not a doctor, or a dietician, and that the information on this blog and in my videos is based on my personal opinion and should not be taken as medical advice. If you have, or suspect you have, a health condition, you should contact your doctor, or other healthcare practitioner. You should consult with your doctor before making any dietary changes with the intent to treat an illness. I recommend that you follow your doctor’s advice and take medication as prescribed.
That being said, when I first started my YouTube channel, the point was to show others the steps I took to find relief from IBD in the hope that others might find similar levels of relief. This is still the goal, however, as I continue to post videos on my channel and my focus expands to other areas, it is becoming more and more difficult for new viewers to sift through all of my videos and find the ones that are the most important for improving their gut health. And that is what this post is about. Here I'm going to list my top 4 videos in a sequential order that I think are the most important in regards to helping people improve their gut health on their own for free. While I do offer coaching, I really want people to be able to do this on their own.
1). So, up first, we've got this video: Full UC Remission Timeline Explained | Why I Quit the Vegan Diet.
This one is really important because it details just about all of the nutritional and alternative treatments that I tried throughout the healing process, and explains whether or not I found success with them. I want you to understand my story so that you understand why and how I got to where I am now. In this video you'll see footage of me that I filmed while I was still sick, and you can easily compare it to the healthy footage of me that is also shown in the video. I think the differences are pretty dramatic.
2). At the end of the timeline video you will hear me talk about switching to the gut microbiome optimizing protocol that finally allowed me to achieve the level of health and freedom that I was looking for. This next video shows exactly what that protocol was and how I implemented it on a daily basis: Ulcerative Colitis Healed | What I Ate to Heal IBD.
3). From the previous two videos alone you should have a decent idea of how to construct a gut microbiome optimizing protocol for yourself that is similar to the one that I designed. However, just to be extremely thorough, I created an entire 10 episode boot camp series to help get you started. The boot camp series is designed to show what I would eat if I could go back and start the healing process over knowing what I know now. It took me 2.5 years to complete this series, and during that time I learned quite a bit more information about gut health which actually caused me to change a few of my opinions. As a result, the final installment of my boot camp series - Ulcerative Colitis Boot Camp Ep. 10 | What to Eat for IBD | Understanding the Gut Microbiome - makes some big changes to the boot camp series as a whole. I actually now recommend that you watch boot camp episode 10 FIRST, and then go back and watch episodes 1-9 through the lens of episode 10.
This is a very long, very detailed, and information heavy video. But, I think it's more than worth the watch as it should help you understand how to put all of the pieces together in order to help make your own gut microbiome optimization program.
4). Another thing that is really important to understand is fiber. There are many different opinions regarding fiber and IBD, and this video explains my opinion that I arrived at based off of experience and from what I've read - Ulcerative Colitis Complete Remission | The Role of Soluble Fiber.
Understanding the different types of fiber and how they affect IBD should help you know what types of food to stay away from and which types of foods you want to include in your gut microbiome optimization program.
I think these four videos are the most important ones for understanding the logic behind optimizing the gut microbiome. I suggest going through these videos, taking notes, and trying to understand the pattern of eating and types of foods that allowed my body to get healthy. You don't need a coach to do this. You don't need to sign up for my coaching program in order to learn the nutritional concepts and principles that allowed me to get healthy. It's all right here in an organized format for free. This is obviously not a guarantee that you're going to find the same level of relief that I did or see any success whatsoever for that matter. This is simply what has helped me, and I'm providing it here and on my channel with the hope that it does help someone else.